Your mind is innovative beyond comprehension, capable of incredible creativity and imagination! Amazingly, our mind leads us to interact with real people (past and present) within interesting scenarios (real and surreal) while weaving boundless plots that rival anything we may ever experience in life or on a movie screen.
Why share my dreams?
In reading my journaled dreams, perhaps you will be entertained or led to ponder the meanings or compare them with your own dreams. Hopefully, you will be encouraged to try some tips to capture and consider your own nightly dreams.
You never dream?
Even though you think you never dream or seldom dream, there is a huge chance that you are actually dreaming but simply unable to recall the dream or its details. Learn how to recall your nightly dreams and capture them for your own enjoyment.
When do you dream?
Discover how you can learn more about when you dream each night. In my case, I identified most of the dreams I recall occur within the latter hours of my sleep.
"My Imaginary Reality"
A Personal Journal of Nightly Dreams
Enjoy a journey into the intriguing world of dreams. Simply read the author’s dreams as a collection of unusual short stories. Think you don’t dream? You may be surprised to discover your own dream world. Learn tips and methods to allow you to recall and capture your own dreams.
“Suspend for a moment your disbelief and encounter once again the sense of wonder you once knew when there was… magic!” Andrew Lord
magic is in the mind
“What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.” Harry Houdini
“Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power, which if it were available in waking, would make every man a Dante or Shakespeare.” – H.F. Hedge